If It Ain’t One Thing ... It’s Another
I can’t even start off with a warm introduction today.
This is just a straight-up, drive-by message for ALL my high-achieving, overfunctioning Black women.
And trust me, I can tell you this because I got my degree... and the student loan debt to prove it! SO DONT LET IT GO OVER YOUR HEAD.
This is me smiling at you, all sweet and warm, right before I read you for filth—because, baybee, a hit dog gon’ holler. LOL
Yes. Yes. Yes. All of it is true.
Yes, many times life is not fair.
Yes, there are moments when we didn’t get what we needed.
Yes, there are systems rigged against us.
Yes, sometimes life can deal us several back-to-back blows that we can hardly stand.
Yes… if it ain’t one thing, it’s another.
BUT HERE’S THE MESSAGE: We’ve got to stop committing ourselves to doing life the hard way—especially since life is already hard enough. We keep pushing ourselves to meet the most unreasonable standards and treating ourselves with the harshest unkindness.
We are being CRUEL and INHUMANE to ourselves treating our lives as spiraling cycles of deadlines, back-to-back projects, and “get-it-done” moments that steal our breath and make our hearts palpitate every time.
Yes, there are responsibilities. Yes, people are counting on you. Yes, there are dreams to chase and goals to crush. And yes, if you stay ready, you ain’t got to get ready. But if you’re constantly focused on “the next thing,” then when exactly are you living?
When are you are in the present? STOP MAKING YOUSELF EARN JOY.
So, I’m going to say this again—no specifics needed:
You are amazing just because you are YOU.
Your worth is not based on your “wow” factor.
You create the terms on how YOU live YOUR life.
You compassionately define success for YOURSELF.
You enjoy rewards NOW, without prolonging them.
Go ahead—live, laugh, breathe, and love yourself with every fiber of your being. You don’t have to prove a thing. Just being human is enough.
PLEASE. PLEASE. SHARE THIS WITH OTHER BLACK WOMEN. AND HAVE THEM SUBSCRIBE: https://www.dockedships.com/stress-crisis-african-american-women-health
At Dock Ships, we see "a future where African American women achieve social health & enjoy maximum wellness.
Sharell D. Cannady, CEO of Docked Ships
Boundaries and Edges™
Boundaries and Edges™ is a newsletter/blog that discusses the social health & wellness challenges of African American women. We bring awareness to what crosses boundaries and snatches edges. Every edition is crafted with high-achieving, over-functioning African American women in mind, blending humor, hard truths, and practical tips. With relatable insights and engaging visuals. It’ll make you cackle, cry, and aim for better. Subscribe today, and let’s grow our edges back and respect our boundaries — together!